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Goddess Chocolate's Footwear                                                            MARCH 2014  



My Footwear includes shoes, boots, flipflops & more 

Want to see more pictures of My footwearCheck out 

Toe Tuesdays with GoddessChocolate on Pinterest

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   D.Y.K. the GODDESS   



Did You Know...

the Goddess Chocolate

has well over

30 pairs of footwear?  

High heels, flats, flip flops,

boots and sneakers


Now that you've experienced the Goddess online, 

its time to do so in person. 


Mar 10 - 13th Daytona Beach

  Where in the World is Goddess Chocolate?  
Why do women have so many shoes?
That's like asking why do guys have to watch so many sports shows in a week? We just do. Because we can. It's our right. So on and so forth.
One reason women have so many shoes is probably similar to why there are so many to choose from. Men only have a small variety available to them and the difference is usually in color. And price, of course. Dress shoes--black or brown. Sandals--strapped in or flip flopped. Sneakers--over $100 or less than $100. Boots--work or play.
Female, on the other hand, have many different types of shoes in each category. Our dress shoes--high heel, medium heel, low heel, no heel, open toe, peep toe, closed in. Sandals--same as dress shoes, but include strapped or not. Sneakers are about the same, either expensive or not. We also have casual dress shoe, casual sneaker-type. Our boots come as thigh high, calf high, low cut and include all those characteristics for dress shoes. Not to mention, we have different colors and styles of each.
Basically, we like pretty things. We like a variety of pretty things. We like to accessorize and match pretty things together. And the manufacturers prey on that and provide us with as much as we can take.
Besides, we have just as many different types of tops, pants, skirts and dresses to accessorize with all the different types of shoes available. And lets not forget the purses and handbags to complete the ensemble.
Look, Madonna said it best.."We are living in a material world and I am a material girl." And as one of those material girls who have evolved into a material Goddess, I plan to acquire as many different types of shoes as possible.  

This video clip is not as popular as the first one, although it has similar content. Still,

over 3,000 views is not bad. If you want to see other videos of mine, subscribe

to My youtube channel and watch more GoddessChocolate TV on 



Additionally, I am always looking for new places to shoot new videos. If you're able to assist Me with this, tell Me so by using one of the methods on the Contact Page.

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More answers many of you can't wait to hear from Me.  

Question: Do you have a shoe fetish?


Answer: Just because someone likes something a little more than most people, doesn't necessarily make it a fetish. Yes, I have a lot of shoes and yes, I like having a lot of shoes. However, having a lot of shoes doesn't give Me sexual satisfaction. Therefore, I don't have a shoe fetish.


Question: Have you stepped on guys while wearing shoes?


Answer: I definitely have. I was hesitant at first, but after I got used to it, it was cake. It wasn't too different than trampling barefoot except keeping your balance. Although I have great balance, I find it easier to maintain My balance when I don't have to worry about punching a hole in someone.


Question: When will you be in My area?


Answer: Every once in a while, I get this question. First, I have had a few of you pay for Me to join you. This is the quickest way. My caliboy has flown Me over to California twice. Another picked Me up so I could accompany him on vacation to the beach. I like traveling to new places and I especially enjoy it when I'm pampered and spoiled. So, if you want to know when I'll be in your area, all you have to do is sacrifice and send Me your way. 

Got a question? Use the form and it might be featured in next month's edition. But first, see if it has already been answered in the Chocolate Scriptures...Interview with the Goddess Chocolate

Product of the Month: Old Black Pumps  


These shoes have served Me well. Worn for work in many offices. Worn for play during many sessions. Insoles are gone, ripped on both shoes. Now you can enjoy the sweet sweat of the GoddessChocolate. Price includes $8 S&H.

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W? W? W? W? W?
W? W? W? W? W?



Chocolate really is the best stuff on your mother earth. So much so, that it is celebrated multiple times every month. Here are more ways to celebrate everyone's favorite thing--Chocolate.


2nd week: Chocolate Chip Cookie Week

3rd week: Chocolate Week

Mar 6: White Chocolate Cheesecake Day

Mar 19: Chocolate Caramel Day

Mar 28: Black Forest Cake Day



See more Chocolate holidays in

Chocolate Scriptures: Chocoladess Observances


Celebration of Chocolate Month
February 5: Chocolate Fondue Day
February 10: Cream Cheese Brownie Day
February 14: Creme-Filled Chocolates Day
February 25: Chocolate-Covered Nuts Day
February 28: Chocolate Soufflé - See more at:

Celebration of Chocolate Month
February 5: Chocolate Fondue Day
February 10: Cream Cheese Brownie Day
February 14: Creme-Filled Chocolates Day
February 25: Chocolate-Covered Nuts Day
February 28: Chocolate Soufflé - See more at:


Like what you see and want your very own unique poster?








Chocolate's footwear you adore.

High heels, boots, flats, I wore

Leaving footprints on your floor.

you'll worship Me, forevermore



                     --GoddessChocolate Says

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